

陕西省渭南市大荔县 王丹阳

  My name is the wangdanyang. I am eleven yeas old. My mother is the teacher.she is lovelinss. My father is the fugle.he is handsome.
            My family  
My name is the wangdanyang.   小荷作文网 www.zww.cn
I am eleven yeas old.   小 荷 作文网 www.zww.cn
My mother is the teacher.she is lovelinss.  
My father is the fugle.he is handsome.  
My cousin is the studen.he is lovely.  
My sister has long black hair.  
My grandfather is sixty yeas old.  
My grangmother is seventy-two yeas old.  
My uncle is the handsome policeman.  
This is my family ,  
I love my family very much.  

位置:发表区   年级:小学5 关键字,家庭,英语
来源: 字数:301 投稿日期:2007-8-15 9:46:00 点击:
  595926750 点评
推荐发表:[595926750]2007-8-15 11:33:10
+2收藏 精品
+1还行 发表
-1真糟 退稿
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